
We put sawdust to use using the lignin it contains. Through its gasification, we generate electricity for private consumption. We transform waste into energy in a sustainable and innovative way. We solve pollution, respiratory disease and sales volume problems.

Trace Point

Due to the REP Law, companies will need to trace their products after disposal. We provide an information service through image recognition at disposal sites. The information will be available online, allowing authorized managers and companies to make different decisions.

Intel Drone

A review service for high voltage towers that uses drones capable of capturing images, autonomously determining flaws, and generating a report on the status of each tower.

Steady Shelf

A base for retail shelves designed to withstand earthquakes, which is activated by detecting primary waves of tellurical movements and dampens the movement of the shelf, avoiding falls and breaks between products. In moments where seismic waves are not detected, the product behaves, like any other shelf, and stays rigid.


A project with technological and social impact. Frutipellets are pellets for domestic heating, created from organic waste from agriculture, through a process that optimizes and seeks to find the best mixture, based on the caloric power of each component of the waste. The project is quite scalable, and may be of interest to countries with high levels of pollution that are looking for combustion alternatives and that have large amounts of organic waste produced in agriculture.